SPRING INTO SUMMER for Camelot Centre!
by Camelot Centre
Let's "Spring Into Summer" and raise sufficient funds so we can offer outdoor community excursions to local provincial and regional park areas; offer twice weekly swimming sessions at our local pool; go bowling; go hiking; and so much more!! Donate now!
CecilKids! Send-A-Kid-To-Camp 2021 Campaign
by Cecil Community Centre
Do you remember…? Warm summer days, running around outside, playing games in the park, making friends, and learning lots and lots of cool new stuff? At Cecil Community Centre, we do, and we want to make the summer of ‘21, memorable for all of the children
Ski PontiacTrail Building Campaign / Campagne de construction de sentier
by Ski Pontiac
Ski Pontiac needs to raise $7000 as part of a 3.5 km ski and snowshoe trail project. Please donate and share. Ski Pontiac doit collecter 7000 $ dans le cadre d'un projet de piste de ski et de raquette de 3,5 km. Merci de faire un don et de partager.
Kilometres For Camp 2024
by Evergreen Christian Ministries
This May, get out into the beauty of spring and raise funds for Stayner Camp and Camp Mishewah! All ages are welcome to participate - join us at one of our in-person locations on May 25, or set your own goals to walk, run, bike, hike on your own schedule!